Difference Between Notepad and Notepad++

Difference Between Notepad and Notepad++ [2024]: Unveiling Features & Functions

Notepad and Notepad++ are familiar names among Windows users, serving as basic text editors for creating and modifying plain text files. While Notepad comes pre-installed in Windows, Notepad++ offers advanced features but requires separate installation. Despite their similar names, they differ significantly in functionality and usability.

The addition of “++” suggests Notepad++ is an enhanced version, which it indeed is, offering more robust features for programming and text editing tasks. In this article, we’ll explore the distinctions between these two applications to help you determine which suits your needs best.

Understanding these differences can guide your choice whether you’re a casual user or a programmer seeking advanced capabilities. Stay tuned as we delve into the comparison. And if you’re looking for an Online Notepad Editor, we’ll explore options to fit your requirements perfectly. Let’s dive in and uncover which editor reigns supreme for your text editing endeavours.

What is Notepad?

Notepad is a simple text editor for Windows computers, allowing users to create documents easily. It’s been around since Windows 1.0 in 1985 and comes pre-installed in every version of Windows. You can save your files with the .txt extension. 

Notepad is basic, letting you organise, copy, and back up your notes within your operating system. You decide where to save your text files. It’s a handy tool for quick notes and introductory text editing tasks but needs advanced features in other text editors. Overall, Notepad is a straightforward option for simple text editing needs.

What is Notepad ++?

Notepad++ is a free text editor for Windows that offers more features than basic Notepad. Created by Dan Ho in 2003, it’s continually updated. Notepad++ is tailored for editing source code, hence the “++” symbolising the increment operator in programming languages. It’s handy for making substantial changes to text files, especially in programming projects. 

With features like syntax highlighting and auto-completion, developers favoured it for its efficiency. Notepad++ supports various programming languages, making it versatile for coding tasks. Overall, Notepad++ is a powerful tool for editing text and writing code, preferred for its advanced functionalities.

1. Supported File Types

One of the main differences is the types of files they support. Notepad is basic, handling only plain text files without formatting like bold or italics. On the other hand, Notepad++ is advanced, supporting various file types like HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript. This versatility makes Notepad++ suitable for editing web pages and programming code. 

While Notepad is straightforward for simple text tasks, Notepad++ caters to broader needs, especially for coding and web development projects. Its ability to handle different file formats gives users more flexibility and functionality, enhancing the editing experience for diverse tasks.

2. User Interface

The big difference in these apps is their user interfaces. Notepad keeps it simple with buttons like cut, copy, and paste. It’s easy to use but lacks advanced features. Notepad++ offers a more complex interface with tabs for multiple file editing and various tools. 

It’s designed for advanced users, especially programmers, who need more functionality. Plus, Notepad++ lets you customise with plugins for specific needs. While Notepad is great for basic text tasks, Notepad++ suits those who work on multiple files or need advanced editing tools, making it a favourite among programmers.

3. Features

Notepad++ has advanced features like “Syntax Highlighting” that automatically colours text based on its type, helping users read and understand code better. This feature makes spotting errors easier. Additionally, Notepad++ offers a “Macro” feature enabling users to record and replay sequences of actions. 

This is handy for saving time when working on large or repetitive files. These features enhance productivity and efficiency, especially for programmers and those handling complex text files. While basic Notepad serves simple text tasks, Notepad++ stands out for its advanced capabilities, making it a preferred choice for professionals and users with specialised editing needs.

4. Performance

There are notable differences between Notepad and Notepad++. Notepad is a lightweight and quick-to-load application suitable for simple text editing tasks. It’s easy on system resources, making it efficient for primary use.

On the other hand, Notepad++ is designed for more intensive tasks, particularly in programming and handling complex files. While load may take longer due to additional features, the trade-off is increased functionality. Notepad++ performs well when dealing with large or multiple files, offering advanced features without sacrificing speed.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your needs – Notepad for simplicity and speed, Notepad++ for enhanced capabilities and performance in complex scenarios.

5. Customisation

Customisation Notepad++ offers significantly more options than the basic Notepad. Notepad++ allows users to personalise their editing experience by choosing from various themes, changing font styles and sizes, and customising syntax highlighting colours.

Additionally, Notepad++ supports plugins and small software additions, extending its functionality. Users can install plugins for specific tasks such as spell-checking, code folding, and version control integration, enhancing their workflow and productivity.

In contrast, Notepad has limited customisation options, primarily limited to basic text formatting and toolbar customisation. Overall, Notepad++ provides users with a highly customisable environment, allowing them to tailor the editor to their preferences and workflow requirements.

Which is best for you?

The decision between Notepad and Notepad++ hinges on your requirements. Notepad suits basic text editing needs, but Notepad++ is more powerful and flexible. If you need a simple tool for basic tasks, stick with Notepad. However, if you require advanced features for coding, web design, or IT tasks, Notepad++ is the better choice. 

It’s designed for professionals and programmers, offering advanced functionality while being user-friendly. Notepad++ provides the tools professionals need while maintaining the simplicity of basic Notepad, making it a top choice for those with more demanding text editing needs.


When deciding between Notepad and Notepad++, it’s essential to consider your specific requirements. Notepad is perfect for simple text editing tasks, providing a straightforward interface and basic functionality. However, if you need advanced features for programming, web design, or other complex tasks, Notepad++ is the way to go. 

With its diverse range of tools, including syntax highlighting, macros, and plugin support, Notepad++ caters to the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike. It offers versatility without compromising simplicity, making it a preferred choice for users who demand more from their text editor. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coder, Notepad++ provides the functionality and customisation options needed to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. Ultimately, your choice depends on your needs and preferences, but Notepad++ is a powerful and versatile text editing solution for many users.


What is Notepad++ used for?

Notepad++ is used for text editing and coding purposes. It’s favoured for its advanced features like syntax highlighting, macros, and plugin support, which are ideal for programmers and developers.

Why Notepad++ is beneficial instead of Notepad?

Notepad++ offers advanced features like syntax highlighting, macros, and plugin support, enhancing productivity and efficiency for coding and text editing tasks compared to basic Notepad.

Is Notepad++ better than Programmer’s Notepad?

Notepad++ is often preferred over Programmer’s Notepad due to its richer feature set, including syntax highlighting, macros, and plugin support, providing more programming functionality.

Is Notepad++ necessary?

Notepad++ isn’t essential, but it’s highly beneficial for programmers, developers, and anyone needing advanced text editing features and coding support.

What is Notepad and Notepad++?

Notepad is a basic text editor in Windows, while Notepad++ is an advanced text editor offering features like syntax highlighting, macros, and plugin support for coding and text editing tasks.

Why Notepad++ is best?

Notepad++ is preferred for its advanced features, customisation options, and support for various programming languages, making it a top choice for programmers and developers.

Is Notepad++ excellent or bad?

Notepad++ is generally regarded as good due to its advanced features, versatility, and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice among programmers and developers.

Can Notepad be used for coding?

Notepad can be used for coding, but it needs advanced features like syntax highlighting and code completion, making it less efficient than dedicated code editors.

Why Notepad is used for HTML?

Notepad is used for HTML because it’s a simple text editor that allows users to manually write and edit HTML code, although dedicated HTML editors offer more features.

Can I write C++ in Notepad?

Yes, you can write C++ code in Notepad, but it could be more efficient than using an integrated development environment (IDE) or a dedicated code editor for programming tasks.

What are the disadvantages of Notepad?

Disadvantages of Notepad include its need for advanced features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and plugin support, limiting its functionality for programming and text editing tasks.

Who created Notepad?

Microsoft created Notepad, initially introduced with the Windows operating system and maintained as a simple text editor for basic text editing tasks.

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